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POSH Compliance

POSH (Prevention of Sexual Harassment) Compliance

The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 is a legislative act in India that aims to protect women from sexual harassment at their workplace.

It defines sexual harassment, lays down the duties of employers, and provides for a mechanism for the prevention and redressal of complaints.

The act requires employers to establish an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) to address complaints of sexual harassment and to take appropriate action against the perpetrator.

It also provides for the right to a safe working environment free from sexual harassment and ensures that women are able to work with dignity. The act applies to all workplaces, including government and private offices, and covers both formal and informal sector workers.

What do we serve at PoSH compliance?
  • Creating an effective POSH compliance policy
  • Define Sexual Harassment: Clearly define what constitutes sexual harassment in accordance with the provisions of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.
Provide Awareness and Training:

Conduct regular awareness and training programs for employees, including IC members, on the provisions of the act and the company’s POSH policy.

Establish a Complaints Mechanism:

Establish an Internal Committee (IC) and provide information on how to file a complaint and the procedures that will be followed.

Regular Review and Update:

Regularly review and update the POSH policy to ensure that it remains effective and in line with current laws and best practices.

Our PoSH Training Program through webinar and classroom sessions ponders over audience-specific topics.

Sensitizing employees periodically helps them assess their own sub-conscious behaviour that, although unintentional, may be perceived as sexual harassment. Our PoSH webinar and classroom sessions, led by our skilful PoSH trainer, are impactful in communicating the required workplace-appropriate conduct to the employees.

Human Resource Managers / Business Partners

Adding to sensitization, our live sessions for company managers/TL outline their role in identifying, preventing and reporting the workplace harassment of women. Being a company’s frontline defence against sexual harassment of women at work, the managers are made aware of the unconscious bias one may hold.

They are trained to not let this bias affect their evaluation and reporting of any misconduct.

Through these training sessions, the employees are constantly kept engaged and encouraged to indulge in healthy discussions regarding their roles in avoiding sexual harassment of women at workplace.

Prepare POSH annual report
  1. The number of sexual harassment complaints received
  2. The number of sexual harassment complaints disposed of by the Committee
  3. The number of sexual harassment complaints pending for more than 90 days,
  4. Action taken in response to such complaints by the employer, and
  5. Details of the awareness or training programs conducted by the employer.

We ensure that the annual report is complete and accurate. Then after expert’s reviews the final document is submitted to the District Officer within the prescribed timeframe

By implementing these steps, companies can create a workplace culture that is safe and free from sexual harassment and ensure compliance with the provisions of the POSH Act.